Chuck Doéshair


Air Travel 101

Go to guide for air travel starts with the bag!

Pack light, you can always buy it.

1.     All your liquids/ gels/creams should be less than 2 oz and packed in a Quart or smaller zip lock bag (this bag should be at the top of your carry on and easily accessible)

2.     Wear layers that are easy to remove as well as shoes that slip on and off. Most airports require removal of shoes and belts(metal).

3.     Chargers/ ear-pods/ phones / converters

4.     Know the location of your ID / ticket/ passport Keep them in the same location through out the trip. You will be asked for them often or second guess yourself and check frequently.

5.     Once you are through security you can arrange, you’re bag how ever you like.

6.     When in line for security have your ID/boarding pass/ passport in hand.

7.     Once you reach the bins in line for security remove your belt/ shoes/ coat/ change, anything in your pockets, place them in the bins. Wait for all of your items to go through the X-Ray and wait to be told by TSA to walk through the X-ray.

8.     Place your feet on the footprints hold your arms above your head wait for the puff of air, and the ok signal from TSA to exit the machine.

9.     Now wait for all of your items and re dress.

10.  Once you’re through check the TV screen for “departing Flights”, check your flight status and gate.

11.  Be close enough to your gate you could run there within an hour of boarding.

12.  Note boarding times and flight times are different.

13.  Make note of Zone number or Boarding Group

14.  You will rarely hear announcements about your flight unless you are close enough to your gate to see the gate agent speaking.

15.  Keep an eye on your gate it may change (most international airports only post gate numbers 30min prior to boarding time)

16.  Once your zone is called only hand the gate attendant your ticket or mobile pass. Then you may board be polite find your seat. Anything you will want access to during your flight should be at your feet. Be sure it all fits under the seat and your seat belt is on. Have your seat up right until you hit a safe flying speed.

17.  Note where the bathrooms are and if you need to go before taking off make sure you’re not waking against people boarding. (Walk to the back of the flights still boarding)

18.  Once you’re in the air it’s all good.

19.  Drink/ sleep/ land.

20.  Follow signs for exit/ taxi/ baggage claim depending on your desire ❤️

Chanell Mitchell